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Home > Grades and Grading > Outcomes Overview

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  • 11/22/2024: Canvas Outage 500 Page Error [RESOLVED] Resolved [Posted 11/22/2024 at 1:29 pm ET] At 12:43 pm on 11/22/2024 Instructure reports the incident has been resolved.  For the full timeline of the error, please see the Canvas System Status Page. Monitoring At 12:34 pm on 11/22/2024 A fix has been implemented and Instructure is monitoring the results.  For the full timeline of the error, please see the Canvas System Status Page. Investigating [Posted 11/22/2024 at 12:24 pm ET] At 12:15 pm on 11/22/2024 Canvas has experienced an outage of service.  Some users may be encountering  500 page errors in Canvas.  Instructure is currently investigating the issue.  For the full timeline of the error, please see the Canvas System Status Page.

  • 11/20/2024: Scheduled Maintenance and Outage Saturday Pending [Posted 11/20/2024 at 2:04 pm ET] Saturday, November 30th from 3:00 to 5:00 am ET  At 3:00 to 5:00 am ET on Saturday, 11/30/2024, will be undergoing a scheduled maintenance.  During this time, the platform will be unavailable.

  • 11/19/2024: Some Canvas Users Experiencing a 500 Error [RESOLVED] Resolved [Posted 11/18/2024 at 9:55 pm ET] At 9:55 pm on 11/18/2024 Canvas reported the situation has been fully resolved. For the full timeline of the error, please see the Canvas System Status Page.   Monitoring [Posted 11/18/2024 at 9:36 pm ET] At 9:36 pm on 11/18/2024 Canvas implemented a fix to the 500 error some United States users were experiencing in Canvas.  To ensure the fix was successful they remained monitoring the situation.  For the full timeline of the error, please see the Canvas System Status Page.   Investigating [Posted 11/18/2024 at 9:06 pm ET] At 9:06 pm on 11/18/2024 Canvas was aware and started investigating a reported error of some United States users experiencing a 500 error while in Canvas.  This error seems to have impacted some students by kicking them out of their exams.  For the full timeline of the error, please see the Canvas System Status Page.

Outcomes Overview
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Outcomes are a built-in tool in Canvas that allows data tracking to measure course mastery. They can be applied to multiple courses within the university, your department, your college, or another Sub-Account level. Applying Outcomes to multiple Canvas Rubrics and Quizzes allows you to track both individual student progressions and gather data on a broader scope.

Keep in mind

  • It is crucial to ensure that your Outcomes are configured correctly when you initially add them to your course. Outcomes may be edited or deleted, but doing so will cause any associated rubrics to be updated in tandem. Once an outcome used to assess students is modified, it may affect student results. Outcomes that have been used to assess students cannot be deleted.
  • Outcomes may cause problems with Canvas Peer Reviews. It is not yet known how multiple scores through Canvas's Peer Review assignments will impact the data gathering of Outcomes aligned to the rubrics you use with these Peer Review assignments. In Canvas's Peer Review assignment type, students apply a grade to each other's assignments through the rubric and we do not know how Outcomes will react to the multiple gradings of a single rubric or Outcome at once. We believe that Turnitin's PeerMark peer review assignments should not cause any difficulty with using Outcomes because Turnitin is an external tool and so students would be performing their peer reviews within Turnitin's system, not Canvas's rubrics.

How to access and add Outcomes to your course

It is best practice to import Outcomes from your department, college, or other Sub-Account grouping instead of building your own.

  1. Select Outcomes from the course navigation menu on the left of the screen.

  2. Press the Find button to bring up the Find Outcomes window.

  3. In the Find Outcomes window contains three frames. The left frame displays different Outcome groupings. The middle frame will display both Outcome groupings and specific Outcomes. The right frame will show a preview of a specific Outcome so that you can verify that it is the correct one before importing it into your course. Select the group names and specific Outcomes in the left and middle frames to locate the specific Outcome you wish to add to your course. Once you have located the specific Outcome, select it with your cursor in the middle frame, and then click the garnet Import button to add it to your course.
    Please note: You can only import one Outcome at a time.

How to Apply Scores and Values to Students

  • SpeedGrader: Use the SpeedGrader tool to assign values to individual Rubric Cells while grading. Typing numbers into the Rubric will not work.
  • Quizzes: An aligned Outcome in a Question Bank will have a percentage value assigned to it.

Further Resources

How to build an Outcome

How to apply Outcomes to Rubrics

How to apply an Outcome to a Quiz

How to access Outcome data on the course level

How to export Outcomes data

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