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Home > Grades and Grading > How to access Outcomes data on the course level
How to access Outcomes data on the course level
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Before you can access any data collected by the Outcomes you are using in your course, you will need to enable the Learning Mastery Gradebook in your course settings. If you already have Learning Mastery Gradebook enabled, skip down to How to access Outcomes data.

How to enable Learning Mastery in your course

  1. Click into your course site.
  2. On the course navigation menu on the left, select Settings.
  3. At the top of the page, select the Feature Options tab.
  4. Click the toggle icon for both Leaning Mastery Gradebook and Student Learning Mastery Gradebook features. The toggle icon will display a green check mark when you have enabled them.

How to access Outcomes data

Follow the directions in Instructure's How to use Learning Mastery Gradebook to view Outcomes results. Each Outcome will be listed and color-coded based on the individual student mastery, as well as displaying averages for the entire course along the top of the page.

Please note: If the Outcomes you are using were imported from the Sub-Account level, then the data gathered within your course will automatically be shared with the Sub-Account from which you imported the Outcomes.

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