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Home > Canvas User Experience > Canvas Miscellaneous FAQs
Canvas Miscellaneous FAQs
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  1. How do I navigate around/use Canvas?
  2. Technology Recommendations for FSU's Canvas
  3. What is Canvas's new Rich Content Editor like? How do I use it?
  4. How do I communicate with my students in Canvas?
  5. How do I track student activity in my course?
  6. Can I manually enroll a user (eg., TA, grader, etc.) into my course site in Canvas?
  7. Will I be able to view my course site from the student perspective?
  8. Can I divide my students into groups for assignments, discussions, etc.? 
  9. How do I edit my notifications settings in Canvas?
  10. How do I keep track of attendance?
  11. Is there a wiki tool option in Canvas? How can I create a course wiki?
  12. What external apps can I use in my Canvas course site?
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