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Home > Content Management > How to copy a single Content Page from one course to another in Canvas
How to copy a single Content Page from one course to another in Canvas
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Looking to copy a single Canvas page, assignment, quiz, or discussion item that didn't use a Design Tools template? Use Canvas's Direct Share feature instead.  

As of October 2018 it is now possible to copy an existing assignment/discussion/quiz description and Canvas Content Page that does not utilize a Design Tools template into another item's rich content editor within a single course. This new functionality has been added in addition to the existing ability to copy a single Content Page from one Canvas course to another using Design Tools!

Keep in mind, there are some caveats for copying content from one course site to another:

  • You must be enrolled in both course sites with either a teacher, ta, or course designer role.
  • Internal course links (e.g., link to an assignment, discussion, etc.) and file links do not copy over because Design Tools doesn't bring over the files themselves, does not update the file links on the page, and does not update the internal course links. This means that all of those internal links point back to the original course site. As a result, you will need to manually correct these types of links after you have copied the page content into your destination course. External links that point to web addresses outside of Canvas will not have this problem.


  1. Navigate to the original course site that you want to copy content from and locate the content page that you want to copy.  
    1. On the Course Navigation Menu on the left hand side, select Pages.
    2. Click the View All Pages button at the top of the screen.
    3. Locate the Content Page that you want to copy and click on its title.
  2. Highlight and copy the URL from your browser's address bar.
  3. Navigate to the destination course that you want to bring this content page over to (Click Dashboard > click into desired course site).
  4. On the Course Navigation Menu on the left hand side, select Pages.
  5. Click the View All Pages button at the top of the screen.
  6. Click the + Page button in the upper right corner to create a new content page.
  7. Hover over the garnet space ship icon in the upper right corner of your screen until it expands to say "launch Design Tools," then click on it.
    (Click image to enlarge it)
  8. On the Design Tools menu, Select Create/Edit Content, and then select Copy Existing Content.

  9. In the "Copy page content by URL" box, paste the content page URL that you copied earlier, and then click the retrieve page icon to the right of the text box.
  10. Your desired page content should now appear in the rich content editor. Simply give the page a title, make any changes you need to your content, and remember to click either Save or Save & Publish at the bottom of the page!
    (Click image to enlarge it)




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