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Home > Evaluations & Midterm Surveys > How to add custom questions to your evaluations using Watermark Course Evaluations & Surveys (formerly EvaluationKIT)
How to add custom questions to your evaluations using Watermark Course Evaluations & Surveys (formerly EvaluationKIT)
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To log into your Watermark Course Evaluations & Surveys (CES) account, please access the following link: Course Evaluations & Surveys

Note: Your FSUID and password will be required to login.

Your CES home page should look similar to the image below. There may be slight variations in the layout of this page depending on how your CES administrator has configured your project widgets.

Step 1: Click the Custom Question Surveys link at the top your screen.

Step 2: Use the Create New Custom Question Survey at the top left of your screen to start from scratch, or use the edit button to edit a pre-existing survey.

Step 3: Enter a name and description for your Custom Question Survey and click Save New.

Step 4: Use the drop down menu to select the desired question type.

Step 5: After selecting a question type you will be taken to the configure menu for that question. After you are done use the Save button at the bottom left of the screen. Repeat until you have added all desired questions. 

After you have configured all necessary questions be sure to click the save button at the top left of your screen to save all changes to the survey.

Step 6: Once you have finished adding questions and saving your survey you need to attach it to a project so that it will be visible. To do this use the Attach Surveys to Projects button at the top of your screen.

Step 7: Select the correct project and click the + symbol under Add Questions.

Step 8: Use the + Add Custom Question Survey button at the top left.

Step 9: Use the check mark under Select on the right side of the screen to highlight the custom survey you wish to use and click the Select Courses button once you have done this.

Step 10: Use the Select Specific Course tab and then click the Add Courses button.

Step 11: This will bring up a list of courses that you have rights to add a survey too. Select the desired course and then use the Add Selected Courses button to complete the process.

Upon completing the final step, you should receive a pop up notification indicating that your survey has been added to course(s) successfully.

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