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Home > External Apps > Web-conferencing Options > Zoom Web-conferencing > Intellectual Property: Ownership and Zoom
Intellectual Property: Ownership and Zoom
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Are you worried about retaining the ownership of your intellectual property when using Zoom? Have no fear! You retain full ownership of your intellectual property. Zoom's provisioning policy states that the property rights to the data, content or intellectual property of the customer remain with the customer and Zoom is not granted any property rights, title, or interest to the data except to process the data to perform its duties under the [contracted] Agreement. Here is the exact wording from FSU's contract with Zoom:

Rights in and to Customer Data 

(a)  As between Customer and Provider, all rights, including all Proprietary Rights, in and to Customer Data will remain at all times the property of Customer. This Agreement does not grant Provider any rights, title or interest, whether express or implied, in and to any data, content or intellectual property of Customer or any Customer Data, except for the limited right to Process Customer Data, and then only as expressly stated in this Agreement and solely to the extent necessary for Provider to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement. In no event will Provider gain any rights, title or interest, whether express or implied, in and to any data, content, or intellectual property of Customer or any Customer Data as the result of any Processing of such data, content, or intellectual property.

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