Apr 18, 2024
- What items are gradable in Canvas?
- What are the best practice recommendations for using Canvas's New Gradebook?
- How do I use the New Gradebook?
- How to adjust dues dates and availability dates in Canvas
- Does Canvas have an inline assignment grading feature? (SpeedGrader)
- Can I use rubrics in Canvas?
- Can I manually create columns in the Gradebook?
- Can I create weighted columns?
- How do I use a Grade Posting Policy in my Gradebook?
- How can I organize Canvas's New Gradebook?
- I like to give my students feedback on their work. How do I do this in Canvas?
- Is there a grade history feature in Canvas?
- Can I email students from within the Gradebook?
- I want to grade assignments offline - how do I download all my students' submissions?
- How do I export grades in the New Gradebook?
- How do I import my Gradebook into my Canvas site?
- How can I exempt a student's grades?
- How do I track student activity in my course?
- Can I print student grades?
- Managing Extra Credit in Canvas
- Is there any way to curve my students' grades in Canvas?
- Is there an anonymous grading feature in Canvas?
- Allow Students to Finish Incomplete
- How do I hide the calculated total column from students?
- How do I change the status of a submission in the New Gradebook?