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Home > External Apps > Kaltura > How to record and upload audio/video without Kaltura
How to record and upload audio/video without Kaltura
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The Office of Digital Learning makes Kaltura available to all students and faculty for use with their coursework and design needs. However, you can also use Canvas's Rich Content Editor to record and upload audio or video practically anywhere in Canvas.

Non-Kaltura Methods of Uploading Media in Canvas

Follow the instructions below to add audio/video to your assignments, discussions, quizzes, or wiki pages:

Did you know you can attach video and audio to your messages in Canvas?

When composing a message, look in the bottom-left corner:

Depiction of Canvas inbox message window with media upload button highlighted.

Clicking the highlighted icon will allow you to add media files to your Canvas inbox message. If you are on your mobile device, try these instructions (written for iOS).

Students: Does your instructor want you to use Kaltura instead?

There are two options for using Kaltura: Create your video separately and then upload it into Kaltura, or use Kaltura's Personal Capture app to create your video. Using the Personal Capture app takes a little more set up initially and requires you to use your computer, but it streamlines your media creation and upload process.

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