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Home > DL Appointment Online System > DL Appointment Online System FAQ
DL Appointment Online System FAQ
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1. Do we still use the ODL DL Appointment spreadsheet? 

No. Do not send us spreadsheets. Once you have completed the first term’s appointments in the system, we suggest you download the list to excel and create your own internal version. Or you may alter the ODL spreadsheet and use that internally; however, some of the fields in the spreadsheet are electronically provided in the online system, so they are no longer needed in the spreadsheet.

2. Are departments who enter the information into OMNI required to also enter Distance Learning Auxiliary budget appointments in the ODL system? 

Yes. ODL is required to oversee the Distance Learning Auxiliary accounts, provide training to mentors, maintain information on distance learning fees, and provide monthly ledger snapshots to all departments with Distance Learning Auxiliary accounts.

3. How do we enter appointments split between a DL auxiliary budget number and our own department budget numbers? 

Choose “yes” for split appointment. Enter the DL auxiliary budget number and the distribution percentage. Then click “Add more.” Enter your department account number and the distribution percentage. The total distribution for all accounts must equal 1.

4. Do we need to provide course section numbers? 

Yes. This is crucial for budgetary review and reporting. Look up the online course sections in Student Central and provide those. If you do not know those yet, please explain in the comments section. If the course sections change, please alert [email protected].

5. Do we need to enter course information if the course is in development? 

Yes. If the course is in development, please provide the course number if you know it. Use the comments section to explain.

6. What if we don’t see the job code we need? 

Contact [email protected]. They will add the job code into the system so that you can use it.

7. What if the appointment is new and doesn’t have an EMPLID yet? 

If the appointment is not in OMNI or does not yet have an EMPLID, click 'No', then enter the name of the appointment and Submit.

8. Can we make changes once we have entered the appointment information? 

You can make changes up until the departmental due date. The system will notify ODL-HR if they have already begun processing the appointment and you make a change. If you need to make a change after the departmental due date, please contact [email protected].

9. Why do we need to check if the appointment is a mentor (i.e. teaching assistant for an online course)? 

ODL uses mentor information to provide mentor training, awards and recognition, and to check mentor/student ratios. A mentor is usually a graduate teaching assistant and serves as a teaching assistant for an online course. A mentor is NOT the instructor of the course.

10. Why do we need to check if the appointment is new?

ODL-HR needs to know if the appointment is new or already in the OMNI system.

11. Why do we need to check if the appointment is dual comp? 

ODL-HR needs to be sure the dual comp form is properly submitted for each dual comp appointment. 

Need Additional Help?

For questions concerning the ODL Appointment Process, contact ODL HR, (850)644-4635, [email protected].

For Technical Assistance, please contact ODL Technical Support, (850)644-8004, [email protected].

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