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Home > External Apps > iClicker > Known Issue: iClicker Grade Sync error
Known Issue: iClicker Grade Sync error
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Students removed from your Canvas course that still remain in the iClicker roster may cause unexpected issues when you are trying to sync grades.

Depending on which version of iClicker you are using, the solution is a little different:

iClicker Classic: Grade Sync error

While attempting to sync your iClicker Classic grades with Canvas, you may experience an error message that reads:

"Your iClicker Grades could not be uploaded to your LMS. Check to make sure you have an internet connection and your LMS credentials have been entered correctly. Click the Sync Roster button and try again. If you continue to have problems, please contact your administrator or iClicker support."

An image of the error message:

This error is due to one or more of your students being removed from your Canvas course, making iClicker Classic malfunction when attempting to sync with the missing student. We have tested the workaround below and can confirm iClicker Classic will correctly sync with Canvas after following these steps:

  1. Access your iClicker Classic Gradebook by clicking Open Gradebook.
  2. Click Sync Roster.
  3. Click Sync Scores.

Your scores should correctly sync with Canvas after re-syncing your course roster within iClicker Classic.

iClicker Cloud: Grade Sync error

While attempting to sync grades from iClicker Cloud with Canvas, you may notice an error icon next to one or more of your students within the iClicker Cloud Gradebook.

An image of the error icon:Unlike iClicker Classic, this syncing error only affects students that are flagged within the iClicker Cloud Gradebook and any remaining students will still sync successfully. If you'd like to clear the error notification you can remove the student by following these steps:

  1. Go to the People page within iClicker Cloud
  2. Check the toggle-box adjacent to the affected student's name
  3. Click Remove

This will remove the affected student(s) from the course, and you can see the process outlined in the image below:

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