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Home > External Apps > One Button Studio Overview
One Button Studio Overview
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The One Button Studio is a professional recording studio that can be used by faculty - no media production experience required! With the studio's straightforward design, instructors can produce a do-it-yourself, high-quality video with the push of a button.

Why use it?

  • Create introductions to online courses
  • Record lectures  for flipped classrooms
  • Interview an expert whose insight can supplement an online course
  • Give a demonstration that can be added to a module
  • Prepare a professional development video

 Keep in mind:

  • Use of the One Button Studio is by appointment only, Monday-Friday, 8:00am-4:30pm. To schedule a quick lesson or studio time, contact D.D. Garbarino, Media Production Administrator, at [email protected] or 850-644-7574.
  • Please bring a FAT32 formatted 2GB USB drive.
  • We can provide a green screen and a lectern. Let us know in advance if you need a teleprompter, and remember to bring your script in a Word document.
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