Introduction: Annoto's Grade Sync feature is designed to streamline the grading process for video quizzes by automatically syncing quiz results with your Canvas gradebook. This guide will walk you through the steps to implement and use this feature effectively.
Note: The included video demonstrates the steps to select and embed a Kaltura video to set up as a video quiz. For use with YouTube videos, see the Additional Resources section at the bottom.
Part 1: Create the assignment and add the Kaltura video
- Go to "Assignments."
- Click on "Assignment" to create a new assignment.
- Add a title to the assignment.
- Assign points.
- Under "Submission Type" choose: "External Tool."
- Click on "Find."
- Click on "Kaltura Video Quiz."
- Click the X icon to remove the Quiz filter so you can see all the videos in your library.
- Select the video you would like to use for the assignment.
- Click on "Select."
- Set the other settings as needed and save.
Part 2: Create the Video Quiz and Add Annoto Grade Sync
Click the "Open the widget" tab in the upper right corner of the video.
Go to Quizzes tab next to the video in the assignment.
Click on the red + (plus) button to create the video quiz.
Click on "Create."
Choose the type of questions and click "Next."
Add the question and all settings.
After choosing the settings and preferences, click "Save."
You can preview the quiz to see how your students would see it. Click on the red button with three vertical dots (kabob menu) to preview.
Once done, exit the preview.
Click on the red button with three vertical dots (kabob menu) to click "Publish."
Click on "Publish" once more to confirm.
Click on "Grades" in the Canvas menu. After your students take the quiz, you will see their results in the Canvas Gradebook.
Conclusion: By using Annoto's Grade Sync feature, you can save time and ensure accurate grading for your video quizzes. For further assistance, please contact our helpdesk.