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Home > Curriculum Request Application > How to request a new course curriculum
How to request a new course curriculum
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Before you begin your request for a new course curriculum, please understand the following:

  1. The Curriculum Request Application can be used as a review center during the curriculum request process. However, before you complete the LAST step in the process (certifying that all approval channels have been met and clicking SUBMIT) the curriculum request should meet all notification and approval requirements for your department/college. This is usually the deparement chair, curricular chair, and dean.
  2. You will be asked to provide information about the course, the delivery method, and the liberal studies designations (if applicable). You will also be asked to upload a sample course syllabus pdf. Please See Gathering Information for Curriculum Requests - A Checklist

You may also be asked to submit a sample grading rubric. Add the grading rubric to your syllabus and save it all as a PDF.

Instructors can access the Curriculum Request Application (CRA) at You will be asked to login with your FSUID and password if you are not already logged in. You can also access the application from the Faculty Senate page and the Liberal Studies for the 21st Century website.

  • Enter the Prefix Code this course will have when it is approved and ready to schedule. (IDS for E-series courses.)
  • Level refers to 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, etc. Course numbers will be assigned by SCNS, but just put the first number of the course number you believe it will be assigned. It can be changed by the administrator later if the need arises.
  • Choose no indicator unless the course will be a lab (L) course or a Combined (C) course.
  • Select the box if the course you are requesting will be a liberal studies (general education) course (E-Series, SIP, ETH, HIS, SSSI, etc.), or will have  general education or graduation requirement designations and click the submit button.


Step 1 - Complete the Course Information Form

Step 2 - Complete Delivery Method Forms


  • You must fill this form out even if the course will be taught via traditional delivery method. If the delivery method is traditional, click the radio button next to ‘Traditional.’ The ‘Mode’ and ‘Indicator’ sections will auto-fill for you.
  • If you choose a delivery method other than traditional, you will need to complete the ‘Mode’ and ‘Indicator’ sections as directed.
  • You will be asked to acknowledge the required/recommended syllabus statements and upload a pdf version of a sample syllabus associated with the delivery method.
  • You may add additional delivery methods before proceeding to step three.

After you have saved the Delivery Method Form, the Liberal studies forms you need (based on designations you have chosen in the course information form) will appear on your list for you to complete.

Pre-submittal Review Stage: You may now click on 'Reviewer Feedback' to send a message requesting feedback on your course request.

  • Follow the directions on the page to search the directory and choose the appropriate people in your approval chain.
  • An email will then be sent to each person you choose.
  • You may send additional review requests at any time before you certify and formally submit to the curriculum administrator that all approval channels have been followed.
  • If a reviewer misplaces the email link, do not send the reviewer another request, instead, ask the reviewer to simply log on and click 'Pending your review' on the main page to access a list of review requests. This 'Reviewer Feedback' link (which will access a list of reviewers and their feedback) will be available on your request page until formal submission has been completed.
  • You may print this page from your browser to share with others, but only you can see it.

How to Edit Your Request:

  • Log in and look for your request on the main page under the heading, 'My Curricular Requests.' If the status is either 'Pending Form Completion' or 'Pending Form Revision'  click on the link and edit the request.
  • You cannot edit a request by searching for it in the box. That will lead you to the view only version. Always choose the link under "My Curricular Requests" to edit a request.

Formal Submission: Once the request has been through the proper chain of notification and approval, you may move on to Step 3.

Step 3 - Acknowledge Department Notification

Select the box to certify you have followed the appropriate notification and approval channels for the new curriculum request.

Select Submit.

  • Faculty may continue to review your request by logging in and using the search box. (To search, type the prefix and at least one number.)
  • You will receive email notification when approved, and when a number has been assigned.
  • You will also receive email notification if a reviewer asks you to return to the portal to make revisions or edits and resubmit your request.
  • You may login to the application to view the status of your request on the main page under My Curricular Requests.
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