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Home > Curriculum Request Application > How to gather information for curriculum requests
How to gather information for curriculum requests
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Note: Before you begin your curriculum request on the Curriculum Request Application, be sure you have gathered all the information you will need to complete the request:

  1. Justification for curriculum addition or change
  2. Full Course Title
  3. Transcript Title (30 characters or less)
  4. Minimum/Maximum Semester Hours and if course is repeatable (if so, max credits)
  5. Grade Type and Primary Mode of Instruction (Lecture, for example)
  6. Pre-/Co-Requisites (if any)
  7. Course Objectives
  8. Course Catalog Description
  9. Instructional Delivery Method
  10. Evaluation Criteria (exams only, no exams, or exams and others with percentage)
  11. Sample Syllabus (pdf) for each Delivery Method

Non-Liberal Studies Requests - Note: The Curriculum Request Application can be used as a review center during the curriculum request process. However, before you complete the LAST step in the process (certifying that all approval channels have been met and clicking SUBMIT) the curriculum request should meet all notification and approval requirements for your department/college. 

If you are updating or adding Liberal Studies Designations, you will need additional information:

  1. Information on how the course will meet competencies for each Liberal Studies Designation
  2. Assessment Example (this may be the same for each designation, but it must be clear that the assessment is aligned with the competencies)
  3. Grading Rubric for each assessment example specifically tied to the competency information
  4. Target Enrollment

Hint: You may also be asked to submit a sample grading rubric. The program may have trouble translating a formatted rubric in the text field. You may want to add the grading rubric to your syllabus instead and enter 'See syllabus for sample grading rubric' in the appropriate text field.

Access the Curriculum Request Application (CRA) at You will be asked to login with your FSUID and password if you are not already logged in. You can also access the application from the Faculty Senate page and the Liberal Studies for the 21st Century website.

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