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Home > Curriculum Request Application > Renewing an online delivery method
Renewing an online delivery method
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Online delivery methods (Fully Online or Mostly Online) expire after 3 years. The course will be “active” in the catalog and the Curriculum Request Application, but no courses can be built using the online delivery method until a course request for online delivery method renewal has been approved by the UCC.


Below are the general steps to renew an online delivery method in the Curriculum Request Application (CRA).


  1. Search for the course using the search box on the right side of the main page of the CRA.

2. Click the link in the search results.


3. Click “change.”



4. Click continue. (Unless you want to remove all liberal studies designations from a course OR add liberal studies to a course that has none. If this is the case, check the box that will switch the course into or out of the liberal studies category.)



5. Go to Step 1 to click the Course Information form. Type in the justification for the change as, “Renewing the online delivery method.” Choose an effective year and term for this request. (You may also have to check the Liberal studies competencies associated with this course.) Scroll to the bottom and click submit. 

Note: if you change anything else on this page, you must also add those changes to the justification box! You will also type these into the comments box on the request main page before you submit.


6. Go to Step 2 and click the delivery method you would like to renew.  Check the settings on this page for accuracy, scroll to the bottom and upload the latest version of the sample syllabus. Click the boxes to agree to the terms and submit. (You may add or delete delivery methods as this time. Be sure not to delete the traditional method unless you do not plan to deliver this course face to face in the near future.)

Note – the language requirements often change, so be sure to check out the faculty senate page and alter your sample syllabus accordingly. 


7. If this is a liberal studies course, you may have to resubmit those forms by clicking on the links, answering the questions, and submitting.


8. Now you will be back on the main request page. Fill out the comments box with the same language you used in the justifications box in the course information page. Click add. 

Then check the box to certify you have followed the course proposal review process for your department and college, and then submit.


At submission, the request is routed to the CRA administrators and the UCC for approval. You will be notified via email when this occurs. You may check back at any time to view the pending request and track its progress. Use the link on the main page under “My curricular requests” to check the progress, or to make revisions/resubmit if requested.


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