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Home > Account Setup & User Enrollments > How to select personal pronouns in your Canvas account
How to select personal pronouns in your Canvas account
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FSU is committed to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion for the entirety of our 'Nole community. In support of this commitment, we are pleased to offer the ability to select your personal pronouns in FSU's Canvas system. The pronouns that you choose for your account will display after your name in several different areas of Canvas as an easy way to communicate with your classmates and instructors which pronouns best reflect your identity.

Please note: The personal pronouns that are available in our Canvas system have been selected through collaboration between FSU's Pride Student Union, Office of Student Equity and Inclusion, Student Government Association, Office of Human Resources, and the Divisions of Student Affairs and Academic AffairsChoosing to designate your personal pronouns in Canvas is an optional feature and not a requirement - you do not have to designate your pronouns in Canvas if you do not wish to do so. If you see pronouns that you do not recognize or are unsure of how to use them, check out the additional resources section below.


If you are a student and do not have an instructor role in any Canvas courses, then you and your fellow students will be able to see each others' and your instructors' pronouns in several areas of the course, including discussions, comment fields, user profile pages, and your inbox.

Students should follow these directions to select your personal pronouns for your student Canvas account.

Instructors and Staff

In addition to the areas listed above, if you are an instructor or organization leader in Canvas, you will be able to see users' personal pronouns in instructor-level areas, such as the Assignment Creation Menu, Assignment Peer Review Page, Course Sections List, and the Student Context Card.

Instructors and staff should follow these directions to select your personal pronouns for your instructor or staff Canvas account.

Pronouns in myFSU

NOTE: MyFSU Student Central also features the ability for students and former students to manage their personal pronouns centrally. Because personal pronouns in Canvas are not yet integrated with myFSU, changing them in myFSU will not automatically change them in Canvas. You will still need to manually select your personal pronouns in Canvas. If you need assistance updating your personal pronouns in Canvas, ODL technical support specialists are available to help.

To select your personal pronouns in Student Central:

  1. Log in to myFSU.
  2. Under the MyFSU Links in the upper left of your myFSU portal, select the Student Central icon.
  3. Select the My Info tile.
  4. Your Personal tab and the Personal Details page contained within it will appear by default. Select the Biographic tab.
  5. Below the Demographic Information heading, you will see the Preferred Pronoun option. Click on the Preferred Pronouns field to select and/or edit your pronouns.
  6. Select a pronouns option from the drop-down menu that appears.
  7. Click the garnet Save button.

Additional Resources

Do you see some pronouns that you don't recognize, or you're not sure how to use? Check out these resources:


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