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Showing articles from instructor article tag

Cidi Labs Design Tools: Building a Syllabus Page

Table of Contents * Create a course syllabus * Diving into Design Tools * Managing syllabus blocks * Create a grading scheme * Choosing a Syllabus Theme Creating a course syllabus To begin crafting a Syllabus page for your Canvas course: * Access the course that you wish to create a syllabus page for by clic…

Adobe Acrobat PDF Accessibility Resources

If you want to provide  scanned pages of a book chapter or journal article, we strongly recommend that you provide your students with a digitized version of the book instead of a scan. Electronic Course Reserves are available and can be shared with students via Canvas and FSU Libraries. For assistance, please cont…

How do I hide the calculated total column from students?

* Go to your course  Settings * Expand the  More Options link at the bottom * Check the box next to "Hide totals in student grades summary" * Click Update Course Details

Why am I getting an "unsupported browser" message in Canvas?

If you are receiving the following error message, it is because you are using a browser that is not officially supported by Canvas . If you are using Google Chrome Enterprise  or  Firefox ESR  (which are often used in computer labs), then you will receive this error message if the browser is 2 versions or more behi…

Known Issue: Error occurs when submitting a Turnitin Assignment in Safari

Turnitin has reported issues arising when students on Apple computers use the Safari browser to access and submit Turnitin assignments in Canvas. The specific error message reads: " Loading Error: We couldn't carry out that action because you have been logged out. Please log in again from the Turnitin home page. " …

File Format Accessibility Resources

Choosing the most appropriate file format for Canvas course content will enable your students to access materials regardless of their digital platform or location, or if they have any type of disability. Below is a list of best practices for various file formats. Use these quick links to skip to a particular article…

[Old LTI integration] Instructors: How do I manage Turnitin assignments?

Turnitin is one of the most popular programs for detecting academic plagiarism. Florida State University integrates a version of the Turnitin application into its Canvas system for use by FSU instructors and students. This allows you to manage Turnitin content and settings within your course's Canvas site without ne…

Canvas Content Management FAQs

Questions: * Help! What can I do with my Canvas site? * How do I organize my course content? * Can I edit or customize the course menu in my Canvas site? * Can I customize my course site in Canvas? * How do I add a syllabus to my site? * I want to make certain items available after a particular date. Can I do …

How do I copy content from my old Canvas course or Canvas development site into my new Canvas site for this semester?

Below, you will find step-by-step directions for how to copy content from your old Canvas course site or development site to your new Canvas site for this semester. Make sure that you start by going into your new, blank Canvas site.  Then, follow the directions in How do I copy content from another Canvas course?…

Can I edit or customize the course menu in my Canvas course site?

There is some customization available in Canvas, but you can only disable or move the pre-set menu items. You will not be able to rename menu items - only hide or show them. Further resources: * How do I reorder and hide Course Navigation links?

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