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Microsoft Immersive Reader in Canvas

Navigate this article : * Text Preferences * Grammar Options * Reading Preferences Microsoft Immersive Reader is an accessibility and reading experience tool integrated into Canvas. The tool can be used to help students read and understand course pages, assignment instructions, and the syllabus. It is not availab…

Easy Fix #5: Converting Microsoft Word Files to PDF | 2024

Need some simple fixes to improve accessibility? The Office of Digital Learning has a series of tips for making course content more accessible. See the full series: Easy Fix #1 - Image descriptions Easy Fix #2 - Optimum color contrast Easy Fix #3 - Descriptive document titles Easy Fix #4 - Document headings Ea…

Easy Fix #2: Optimum Color Contrast | 2024

Need some simple fixes to improve accessibility? The Office of Digital Learning has a series of tips for making course content more accessible. See the full series: Easy Fix #1 - Image descriptions Easy Fix #2 - Optimum color contrast Easy Fix #3 - Descriptive document titles Easy Fix #4 - Document headings Ea…

Instructors: How to import the FSU Course Evaluation Module into your course site from Commons

The FSU Course Evaluation Module is designed to provide tips and resources that will help instructors engage students in the evaluation process and, ultimately, increase their course evaluation response rates. Students who opt out of course evaluations cite a variety of reasons. As an instructor, you play a critical …

How to use Microsoft Teams to facilitate a virtual course meeting

Please Note: Microsoft Teams meetings do not directly integrate with our Canvas system. As a result, we only recommend using a Microsoft Teams meeting to facilitate a virtual course meeting for your class in the event that both Zoom and Canvas Conferences are unavailable for use. * Install the Microsoft Teams…

How do I hold virtual office hours?

Though we have both Canvas Conferences and Zoom web-conferencing tools available at FSU, we strongly recommend using Zoom for virtual office hours because it is well suited to both of the meeting types in this support article. Facilitating regular, scheduled office hours that all students can join This type of …

How to add a Career Portfolio link to your course navigation menu

We have integrated the FSU Career Portfolio with Canvas, which means that you can now add a Career Portfolio link to your Canvas course navigation menu. Simply follow the directions for enabling a navigation item in the Canvas article How do I manage Course Navigation links? .

[Old LTI Integration] Instructors: Viewing & Interpreting Turnitin's Originality Reports

Turnitin is makes it easier for instructors to detect plagiarism or other unauthorized aid in students' submitted work. When students submit work to a Turnitin-enabled assignment, their submissions are run through Turnitin's database to determine if any portion of it appears in published works, web sources, or other …

Instructors: Add a Guest to your Course

Flipgrid can be an effective way to foster communication among your students using a multimedia approach. You can also facilitate guest speaker engagements within the Flipgrid environment, or allow students from other courses/programs to participate in discussions with your students. This article details your options…

Introducing New Quizzes

What is New Quizzes? New Quizzes is Canvas's new assessment engine, which will replace the current "Classic" Quizzes over the next few years. New Quizzes was built as a separate web tool to integrate into Canvas using the LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) standard that securely connects applications to Canvas a…

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